Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Canada Sings!

My soon-to-be-sister-in-law sent me this link: http://www.insighttv.com/canada_sings/

I almost had a heart attack when I read it. Within moments, I put together an email and sent it out to my co-workers. I've already got three who are in, a dance captain and a music coordinator.

I will get on a glee type TV show yet!!!!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Family Ties

It was announced that Carol Burnett will be guest starring as Sue Sylvester's (played to perfection by Jane Lynch) mother.

I'm hoping as they bring more family members onto the canvas, my bid to be Rachel's aunt will pan out.

Can you hear me Mr. Murphy?

I just hope that TPTB will still consider non-famous people for guest roles. Along with Carol Burnett, they've got Susan Boyle lined up for a guest spot in the Christmas episode, and Javier Bardem is being tapped to play a substitute Spanish teacher.

It makes me sad the show has gotten so big that they are forgetting their roots. Part of its charm was because they had a bunch of unknowns creating a new, quirky universe.

Maybe I'll have to get famous first and that will be my golden ticket inside.

Anyone got any suggestions?