Thursday, April 29, 2010

And They're Done, Again

Voting and submissions were shut down about 5 minutes ago. I finished off with 79,052 gold stars. I really hope that's enough to get someone's attention over at Team Glee.

In total, 33,096 people "auditioned". WOW. I knew there were a lot of gleeks out there but holy moses, that number is larger than the population of my hometown!

THANK YOU (again) to all of my friends for your amazing support. I promise I will figure out a way to properly thank you all for your dedication to this. I hope none of you develop carpal tunnel from all that clicking!

My fingers and toes are now permanently crossed until I hear yay or nay.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

All of Me

So I did a search on my name to see how many Ann-Maries have submitted an audition video.

I tried different variations: Ann Marie, AnnMarie, Anne Marie, AnneMarie, Anne-Marie and of course, the way I spell my name (which is the proper way!!!) Ann-Marie. I am the only one with a hyphen. So even though there are other AMs, I'm still the only Ann-Marie. :)

In total there are 11 of us, including myself.

Collectively, we are original in that none of us submitted "Lean on Me". Thank goodness! I would be ashamed of us if any had done that super cliche song.

The breakdown is as follows:

3 - True Colours
3 - Don't Rain on my Parade
1 - Just Can't Fight This Feeling
1 - Hold On
1 - Rehab
1 - Couldn't figure out how to upload her song so her monologue was posted twice. Doh!

None of them are even close to the number of votes I have. So I am totally appointing myself to represent all AMs in the Glee audition process.

I'm glad to know that in a sea of over 28,000 submissions, I'm still an original!

Voting is Back Up!

Voting has been restored! Please click, click, click for me!!!! I'd love to break the 80,000 mark.

It looks like voting will close tomorrow at midnight Pacific time. Which would be 3am EST.




Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I just saw an announcement via the Glee Facebook Fan Page about another opportunity for people to submit their audition video:

Due to popular demand, we will have a one-day “encore” of the audition process. Starting this Wednesday, April 28 at 12:00pm PT through Thursday, April 29 at 11:59am PT, you will be able to submit an audition if you haven’t done so already.

The video gallery and voting is still disabled with this message:

Thanks to all those who auditioned for Glee.
The audition gallery is down for maintenance due to Gleek onslaught.
We're working to get it back online as quickly as possible.

I'm actually shocked they are opening this up again. At last count, there were over 13,000 submissions. That's a lot of bandwidth!

I hope voting will open up again for the previously submitted entries. My core team will get back on the case and hopefully bump me up over 80,000.

Monday, April 26, 2010

And They're Done

That's all she wrote! They officially shut down submissions and voting this afternoon. Here is the goodbye message:

Thanks for sending in your auditions!
All the submissions are being reviewed and you'll be notified by the Glee team if you're selected to move forward in the casting process.

At last count, I had crossed the 73,000 mark. I'm really hoping that puts me into the top percentile of vote getters, and thus, gets my video in front of a pair of Glee Team eyes.

I want to give the biggest and warmest THANK YOU to my core team of voters who literally made it their mission to get me as many votes as humanly possible. Without them, I would have been a five star loser. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. I will be doing something special for you guys in the coming weeks.

Now I just need you all to cross your fingers and toes for me, and send out positive vibes to the Glee team to get me to the next round!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Is She Paying Someone?

Emma currently has 74,880 votes.

Please tell me I'm better than her!

I need a little reassurance here folks.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

By The Numbers

Number of video submissions at this moment: 8,688

Number of votes on my video at this moment: 8,103

Number of friends with largest voting contribution: 10

Largest number of votes: Emma with 37,179 votes

For seriously? 37,179? I watched her video and in all honesty, she's not that good. So she either has a huge friend/family voting crew, or she's voting for herself 24/7.

I have found in my random clicking that there are a lot of people with votes in the 1 - 200 range, a handful with votes in the 2,000 - 6,000 range, and then Emma.

I am praying I end up in the Top 100 at least. My guess is the producers will look at the top vote getters and hopefully there will be a handful of worthy people to go for in-person auditions.

Keep on clicking for me! I don't want all of your effort to go to waste. I am truly humbled and extremely grateful for all the support I've received thus far.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Separated at Birth

Here's a side by side comparison of me & my would-be television sister. Pardon my winter tan.
What do you all think? I think we can totally pass for sisters from a different mister!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

MySpace Link

Please give me a gold star!!!! Oh man, I'm sooooooo happy it's up and didn't get deleted.


Here's a screen capture of my video page:

You will need to login via MySpace or Facebook to cast a vote. The login button is on the top right side, just above my song video.

Once you've logged in, give me a gold star!

Rinse and repeat! Multiple votes are allowed. I'll need all the help I can get to grab the attention of the producers.

Hollywood, here I come!!!!

It's Done

It's uploaded to the audition site for review. Pray they will take a look at it even though it breaks all the rules.

And here it is for your enjoyment!

A huge thank you goes to my editor James for doing this project with me and putting up with my nerves getting the better of me. (He's sitting beside me right now laughing as I type this.)

Wish me luck folks!



Now they are asking for submissions from people 16 years of age and OLDER. Up until 2 days ago they had a cut off of 26. But now it's OPEN.


My submission was based on the fact that I didn't meet any of their criteria. NOW I DO.

OMG WHAT AM I GOING TO DO!? It's too late to redo my song.

And I re-read the submission rules and they have emphasized that submissions must be from their song list ONLY and no references can be made to ANYTHING ELSE!


I'm just going to forge ahead with my original plan. If they like me, they'll hire me. If they don't, well, it's back to my regularly scheduled life.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


To date, there are 4980 videos that have been submitted.

I really need to get on my editor's ass to get this shizz DONE!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Help Me!

I can't decide on which intro to use. If you could take, literally 3 minutes total, right now to watch these videos and then vote, I'll be forever grateful. And you'll be forever awesome for helping me choose the right video to grab the attention of the producers.

Take #1

Take #2

Take #3


I haven't been able to connect with my director to re-shoot the footage that was lost. I'm getting anxious because the closing date for submissions is April 26th. And as I've mentioned before, I don't want the producers to suddenly end the casting call because they've received a million videos.

I spent most of last night trying to record the minute introduction. I just used my own little webcam so it's not going to be in high-def.

I did about 20 takes. Let me say, it's really HARD to say everything you want to say in under a minute. And it's even harder to maintain one's sincerity after saying the same thing over and over again.

I'm trying to pick between three different takes. Each are slightly different and have good points in differing ways. In one, I look really awesome. In another, you can really tell how bad I want to be on Glee. In the third one, I'm funny. So they all have their strengths but alas, I can only use just one.

At any rate, I'm scheduled to shoot the scene tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed that disaster doesn't strike yet again.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


You know it's bad when a conversation starts with, "Please don't kill me."

I got a call from my director with some bad news. The footage we shot was accidentally recorded over. At first I thought it was an April Fool's joke, but he promised he wouldn't joke about something like that. Especially when he knows how important this project is to me.

His friend borrowed his camera without his knowledge and used it to record some auditions he was having. He taped right over all the footage we had completed. My director hadn't dumped the footage onto his computer as of yet.


We were supposed to continue filming the scene tonight but there was no point without the first part we had shot as it wouldn't match.

So I'm heading back to the drawing board and reworking the scene so that it's shorter and so that we can shoot it in a few hours rather than across a few days.

I figure everything happens for a reason so I am going to take the next few days and work hard on getting this scene down to a minute. My plan is to do a one minute intro to let the producers know I'm breaking all their submission rules. Then I submit my song + scene, which in total will run the four minutes they are allocating for the song submission. My song is at 2min37sec, which means my scene can only be a maximum of 1min23sec.

The plan is to shoot on Monday. Wish me luck! Or at least wish my footage to not get recorded over again!